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Hướng dẫn ADMIN

1.Tổng Hợp Các Query Cho Mu Online

– Cộng/Trừ tiền cho 1 Guild

UPDATE CashShopData
SET WCoinC = WCoinC - 5000000
WHERE AccountID IN (
	select AccountID from Character
    inner join GuildMember
    on Character.Name = GuildMember.Name
    WHERE GuildMember.G_Name = 'xVideos'

– Reset Poin toàn bộ nhân vật về poin mặc định

update Character set 
Strength = (select Strength from DefaultClassType where Character.Class in (DefaultClassType.Class, DefaultClassType.Class + 1, DefaultClassType.Class + 2) ),
Dexterity = (select Dexterity from DefaultClassType where Character.Class in (DefaultClassType.Class, DefaultClassType.Class + 1, DefaultClassType.Class + 2) ),
Vitality = (select Vitality from DefaultClassType where Character.Class in (DefaultClassType.Class, DefaultClassType.Class + 1, DefaultClassType.Class + 2) ),
Energy = (select Energy from DefaultClassType where Character.Class in (DefaultClassType.Class, DefaultClassType.Class + 1, DefaultClassType.Class + 2) ),
Leadership = (select Leadership from DefaultClassType where Character.Class in (DefaultClassType.Class, DefaultClassType.Class + 1, DefaultClassType.Class + 2) )

– Tặng tiền cho toàn bộ server

update CashShopData set WCoinC = 10000000;

– Tìm IP theo tên nhân vật

select * from MEMB_STAT where IP = (select IP from MEMB_STAT inner join Character on MEMB_STAT.memb___id = Character.AccountID where Character.Name = 'Admin');

–Tìm IP theo tên tài khoản

select * from MEMB_STAT
where IP = (select IP from MEMB_STAT where memb___id = 'abcxyz ');

– Xem thông tin nhân vật

use MuOnline select * from character where name ='ten nhan vat'

– Tăng giảm 10 Reset và Relife cho nhân vật 

use MuOnline
update character
set ResetCount = ResetCount + 10,Clevel = 400
where name ='ten nhan vat'

use MuOnline
update character
set Relifes = Relifes + 10
where name ='ten nhan vat'

– Xóa toàn bộ để lại db trống

use MuOnline
Delete character
Delete AccountCharacter
Delete GuildMember
Delete Guild
Delete T_CGuid
Delete T_FriendList
Delete T_FriendMain
Delete warehouse
Delete ExtWarehouse
Delete Gens_Rank
Delete Gens_Reward
Delete MasterSkillTree
Delete QuestKillCount
Delete QuestWorld
Delete RankingDuel
Delete RankingIllusionTemple
Delete T_PetItem_Info
Delete T_FriendMail
Delete GameServerInfo
Delete CashShopData
Delete CashShopInventory
Delete CashShopPeriodicItem
Delete HelperData
Delete RankingKingPlayer
Delete RankingKingGuild
Delete Marry
Delete CashShopInventory
Delete CharacterHunter
Delete CustomJewelBank

– Tăng điểm master cho nhân vật – SERVER EMU

use MuOnline
update MasterSkillTree
set MasterLevel = 200,MasterPoint = 200,MasterExperience = 200
where Name = 'tên nhân vật'

– Tăng điểm master cho cả Server – SERVER EMU

use MuOnline
update MasterSkillTree
set MasterLevel = 200,MasterPoint = 200,MasterExperience = 200

– Chỉnh số điểm cộng cho nhân vật về 0

UPDATE Character
SET LevelUpPoints=('0')
WHERE LevelUpPoints>0

– Chỉnh tài khoản admin thành tài khoản thường

UPDATE Character
SET CtlCode=('0')
WHERE CtlCode='32' OR CtlCode='8'

– Mở khóa tài khoản cho tất cả nhân vật

UPDATE Character
SET CtlCode=('0')
WHERE CtlCode=('1')

– Chỉnh lại toàn bộ số lần reset về 0

UPDATE Character
SET ResetCount =('0')
WHERE ResetCount >0

– Xóa thùng đồ

UPDATE warehouse
SET Items=('')

– Xóa thùng đồ cá nhân

UPDATE Character
SET Inventory=('')

– Sửa lỗi hiển thị gamer online trên web MU EMU

UPDATE MEMB_STAT SET ConnectStat='0' WHERE ConnectStat>0

– Sửa lỗi kẹt map

UPDATE Character
SET MapNumber=('0'), MapPosX=('125'), MapPosY=('125')
WHERE MapNumber=('5')

– Sửa lỗi âm điểm Guild

SET G_Score=('0')
WHERE G_Score<-1

– Tăng điểm point cho thành viên

UPDATE Character
SET Strength='số point'
WHERE strength<18

UPDATE Character
SET Dexterity='số point'
WHERE Dexterity<16

UPDATE Character
SET Vitality='số point'
WHERE Vitality<16

UPDATE Character
SET Energy='số point'
WHERE Energy<16

– Xóa Pk

UPDATE Character
SET PkLevel = ('0'), PkTime = ('0'), PkCount = ('0')
Where PkLevel>2

– Chỉnh tiền cho thành viên

UPDATE Character
SET Money='2000000000'
WHERE Money<-1

– Loại bỏ số ID cá nhân

SET sno__numb=('')
WHERE sno__numb>1

– Xóa thành viên không có Guild (bang hội chỉ có 1 GM)

alter table guild nocheck constraint all
alter table guildmember nocheck constraint all
delete from guild
where EXISTS  (
SELECT m.G_Name,count(*) as memb from GuildMember m
where guild.g_name=m.G_name
group by m.G_Name
having count(*) <2

– Xóa guildmember với guild không (khi bạn chỉnh sửa sai sau đó làm cho lỗi)

alter table guild nocheck constraint all
alter table guildmember nocheck constraint all
delete from guildmember
where NOT EXISTS  (
SELECT * from Guild
where guild.g_name=guildmember.G_name

– Top 10 Guild(thành viên)

SELECT top 10 g.g_name,count(all m.g_name)as thanhvien from Guild as g join Guildmember as m
on g.g_name like m.g_name
group by g.g_Name
having count(*) > 20
order by count(*) DESC

– Top 5 guild tính theo số lần rs của thành viên trong G

select top 5 g.g_name,sum(c.ResetCount) as reset from guildmember g join character c
on g.name like c.name
group by g.g_name
order by reset desc

-Top 5 online

select top 10 c.name,resets,s.onlinehours from character c full join memb_stat s
on c.accountid=s.memb___id
where (c.accountid in ( select top 10 memb___id from memb_stat
order by onlinehours desc ))
and (c.name in ( select top 1 c.name from character c where c.accountid=s.memb___id order by resets desc))
order by onlinehours desc

– Top reset trung bình (mỗi người chơi trong guild). Chỉnh sửa 10 đến giá trị mà bạn muốn. Đó là giá trị của các thành viên của guild

select top 5 g.g_name,sum(c.ResetCount)/count(all g.g_name) as reset from guildmember g join character c
on g.name like c.name
group by g.g_name
having count(all g.g_name)>10
order by reset desc

– Đổi tên tài khoản (account)

select * from accountcharacter
where id='9242085'
update accountcharacter
set id='ha1710' 
where id='9242085'
select * from accountcharacter
where id='ha1710'
select * from character
where accountid='9242085'
update character
set accountid='ha1710' 
where accountid='9242085'
select * from character
where accountid='ha1710'
select * from memb_info
where memb___id='9242085'
update memb_info
set memb___id='ha1710' 
where memb___id='9242085'
select * from memb_info
where memb___id='ha1710'
select * from memb_stat
where memb___id='9242085'
update memb_stat
set memb___id='ha1710' 
where memb___id='9242085'
select * from memb_stat
where memb___id='ha1710'
select * from warehouse
where accountid='9242085'
update warehouse
set accountid='ha1710' 
where accountid='9242085'
select * from warehouse
where accountid='ha1710'

– Xóa tài khoản không có nhiều kết nối từ 01/06/2010

delete from memb_info
where memb___id  in (
select memb___id from memb_stat where disconnecttm<'2010-06-01')
delete from accountcharacter
where id  in (
select memb___id from memb_stat where disconnecttm<'2010-06-01')
delete from character
where accountid  in (
select memb___id from memb_stat where disconnecttm<'2010-06-01')
delete from warehouse
where accountid  in (
select memb___id from memb_stat where disconnecttm<'2010-06-01')

– xóa tài khoản mà không có connect (tài khoản trống) hoặc lâu năm không có connect

delete from memb_info
where memb___id not in (
select memb___id from memb_stat)
delete from accountcharacter
where id not in (
select memb___id from memb_stat)
delete from character
where accountid not in (
select memb___id from memb_stat)
delete from warehouse
where accountid not in (
select memb___id from memb_stat)

– Character không có trong tài khoản

select accountid,character.name from character where accountid in (
select accountid from character
where  name not  in  (select gameid1 from accountcharacter where id=accountid )
and name not  in  (select gameid2 from accountcharacter where id=accountid )
and name not  in  (select gameid3 from accountcharacter where id=accountid )
and name not  in  (select gameid4 from accountcharacter where id=accountid )
and name not  in  (select gameid5 from accountcharacter where id=accountid )

– Back up server

USE [Muonline]
Declare @dateBackup Varchar(100)
Set @dateBackup = 'c:\muonline_' +
Convert(varchar, datepart( year , Getdate() )) + '-'+
Convert( varchar , datepart( month , Getdate() ) ) + '-'+
Convert( varchar, datepart( day , Getdate() ) ) + '.bak'
--saving backup with name and date.
BACKUP DATABASE [Muonline] TO DISK = @dateBackup WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Muonline-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

– xóa guild, thành viên guild mà bị sai

alter table guild nocheck constraint all
alter table guildmember nocheck constraint all
delete from guild
where g_master not in ( select name from character )
delete from guildmember
where name not in ( select name from character )
delete from guildmember
where G_Name not in ( select G_name from guild )

– Tạo tài khoản

--Tao account
use MuOnline
insert into MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,mail_addr,sno__numb,ctl1_code,bloc_code,memb_name)
VALUES('abc123','matkhau','[email protected]',123456789123456789,0,0,'proab')

–Kích 1 tài khoản bi treo

-- Kick 1 tai khoan bi treo acc - hoac 1 tai khoan dang Online
use MuOnline
update MEMB_STAT
set ConnectStat = 0
where memb___id = 'adminpro'

— Up điểm Master cho nhân vật ở Server SCF có tên …

UPDATE Character
SET SCFMasterLevel = 200, SCFMasterPoints = 200
where name='Tên Nhân Vật'

–Tặng điểm master cho tất cả nhân vật ở Server SCF

UPDATE Character
SET SCFMasterLevel = 200, SCFMasterPoints = 200

— DK có combo ko phải làm nv khi lên 220

        WHERE NAME ='tên nv' and class ='18'

–DW có Nova ko phải làm nv khi lên 220

        WHERE NAME ='tên nv' and class ='2'

@: nếu là SCF thì thay chữ Quest = SCFCustomQuest

— Block 1 nhân vật nào đó

UPDATE Character
SET CtlCode=('1')
WHERE NAME ='tên nv'

— skill cuồng nộ sum

use MuOnline
update DefaultClassType
set MagicList= 0xDA0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000   FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF   0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF00   00FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000   FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF0000FF  0000FF00
where class='80'

— Tìm Đồ Full Trong Server

select * from warehouse
where (charindex (0xbf, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xff, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x7f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x3f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x8f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9e, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9d, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbd, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbc, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xba, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbb, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xb7, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xaf, items) %16=8)
select * from extwarehouse
where (charindex (0xbf, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xff, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x7f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x3f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x8f, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9e, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9d, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbd, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbc, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xba, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbb, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xb7, items) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xaf, items) %16=8)
select * from character
where (charindex (0xbf, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xff, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x7f, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x3f, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9f, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x8f, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9e, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0x9d, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbd, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbc, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xba, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xbb, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xb7, inventory) %16=8)
or (charindex (0xaf, inventory) %16=8)

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